In 1890, at the height of the Industrial Revolution – the United States government learned that the typical manufacturing employee worked for approximately 100 hours per week across a six-day schedule.  In that moment – most households were supported through the income of just one individual, the husband; and, wives often – but not always – remained home.  This situation – for many reasons – was counterproductive to the health and vitality of individuals and families.  Husbands who labored under physical duress were far too tired to engage their families or children in any meaningful way; and, wives were denied countless opportunities to pursue their own passions beyond the home.  Decades of popular struggle ensued to limit the work week to eight hours; and, in 1940 – most Americans began to enjoy that benefit with the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Today – the typical full-time employee in the United States works approximately 42.5 hours per week; and, roughly 60% of all households with children under the age of eighteen earn dual incomes.  The average married household in the United States generates approximately 65 hours of labor each week; and, the labor hours produced by dual-income families is even higher.  Even worse – digital technologies have increasingly encroached into traditional family time; and, have left mothers and fathers increasingly “plugged in” to work.  Taken altogether – these factors pile significant stress onto families; and, leave children wanting for the time and attention that they rightly deserve.  Something has to change.

The Parsimonious Group
The Parsette, LLC, is a data analytics services firm that supports the Defense industry in the United States.  It specializes in the analysis of automotive data; and, serves its principle clients in Detroit, MI.  It is an independent company within The Parsimonious Group.

If you are a full-stack data scientist – the Information Age is your oyster.  Plenty of companies across many industries need your talent.  If you agree to deliver your time and talent across a forty-hour work week at their place of operation – a typical company will reward you with a decent salary; company-supported health and retirement plans; and, other ancillary benefits.  While generous – you’ll still be left with problems that are commonly faced by families; and, in particular – those with dual incomes.  For instance – you will still need to commute to and from work, which for a typical individual in the United States accounts for one hour per day.  You may need to buy or lease the car that you use to commute; and, pay for the fuel, insurance, and maintenance that it requires.  Someone will need to take care of your children while you’re at work; and, if your child’s school day ends at 3:00 PM – someone will have to pick that child up; and potentially, take care of the child until you come home.  If the person who does this is your spouse – then, he or she may be denied opportunities to pursue legitimate passions beyond the home.  If the person isn’t your spouse – then, you might ask another family member or friend to care for your child; or, be required to pay for child care services.  These are just a few examples of how the standard work relationship burdens the time and resources of a typical family.

Yet – as a full-stack data scientist, you know better than anyone that the tools and methods in your field can be applied from essentially any location.  You can download and install the tools of your field at home just as well as you can at an external place of operation.  You can analyze local data at home just as well as anywhere else – or, utilize a Cloud service for the analysis of Big Data.  The methods that you apply in your field can be learned from books or online resources; and once learned, can readily be recalled anywhere since they live within your mind.  Most of your work can be done from a quiet place devoid of distraction; and, if you need to collaborate with others – plenty of tools exist that enable you to do so at a distance.  There is no justifiable reason for you to struggle to balance your professional and personal responsibilities via a standard work relationship – you have skills in a field of high demand; and, can expect better.

The Parsette, LLC, offers something better.  As an employee of the company, you will:

You will be supplied with a desktop computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse; a laptop computer; and, a cellular phone that you can utilize for professional purposes.  A novel benefit will be established for you wherein – for every full quarter that you work – the company will guarantee five full weeks of employment (up to a maximum of two years) if it ever loses your clients for reasons other than your negligence.  This pool of guaranteed employment will dissipate during this time wherein the company cannot supply a client – and, accrues again at the same pace once a new client is assigned.  The company also offers support of up to $2,500 per year to participate in professional education and conferences to improve your skills.

We also recognize the benefits of rest – particularly, in an intellectual field – and for this reason, we do not limit vacation or sick time.  You will be permitted to take any amount of vacation or sick time in a given year; or, work from any location in the world – permitted that you fulfill your assigned responsibilities to our clients.  In fact – the only reasons that we would ever terminate your employment is for consistent poor performance or personal negligence; or, the unlikely depletion of the guaranteed employment benefit.

We standardize on tools and languages to improve collaboration across the company.  We use standard products within Microsoft Office for external communication; and, {C / C++, Python, Scala, R} to write analytical code.  We utilize the following tools and environments:

Visual Studio

We deliver implementations in C / C++ to efficiently interface with databases; or, to develop embedded code.


IntelliJ IDEA

We deliver analytic solutions on Big Data via Spark and Scala for quick, efficient operations.


IntelliJ PyCharm

We deliver predictive models via keras and scikitlearn - and, leverage PySpark on Big Data to execute analytics.


We prototype algorithms and run descriptive analytics in R - and in particular, use the tidyverse.



We prototype scripts in Hive and Spark upon the command line interface.



We operate our own instance of the GovCloud to analyze data up to the SECRET classification level.


We generate dashboards on Big Data to view results; and, to enable exploration.


We generate intuitive user interfaces on desktop and mobile devices to visualize results at the edge.

We are highly selective in our talent sourcing process.  To be successful – you need to have demonstrated skills in full-stack data science or engineering; and preferably, experiences in other tangential competencies – such as business, social science, or liberal arts.  You must have fantastic written and presentation skills; and preferably, experiences in applying data science in other industries.

We care about you – and, care about your family.  We want you to do what you love; and, to be with those whom you love.  It is why we’ve set up our company in the way that we’ve described here.  If you think that you might be a great fit – please, send your resume to